Everyone who knows me realizes I love to travel — I mean REALLY LOVE to travel. And a BIG part of that love is eating at way cool places. There is no way any single person could do a complete review of all the options to eat at while in Newport — I’m not even going to go there. I’ll just give you FOUR that are convenient, reasonably priced, and tasty. What I DO want is for you all to give me YOUR favorite places to eat. We’ll come up with a pretty good list if you do.
La Vista Grill This is the only onsite place to eat at Newport Coast Villas (not counting the Market Place). During COVID, I’m told they have a modified menu (shown below). I like the quesadilla and the peach shake (listed on the appetizer/drinks section)! But they have other yummy items too! It’s so convenient to lay at the pool, and eat/snack/drink . . . you get the picture!

Another really convenient place to eat that is reasonably priced and really tasty is Shake Shack at Crystal Cove. You can walk up the stairs while you are at Crystal Cove beach or take the short drive from the villas and get some great food. I like the hamburger, chocolate banana shake, and sweet potato fries. You can access their menu here https://crystalcoveshakeshack.com/. They have a great deck to eat on overlooking the beach/ocean, but when we were there, they had it closed because of COVID. We usually send someone from our group to go pick up everything after ordering it online and bring it back to the villa to eat.

Okay, now that we have the easy “everyone goes there that stays at Newport” places out of the way, let’s do other safe places that everyone should consider trying. Again, I’m focusing on convenient and reasonably priced here. (And places that have great shakes — I love shakes!)

There are a couple of Ruby’s Diners in Newport Beach. We go to the one on Corona del Mar. Before COVID, it could get crowded. They have just opened their Dine-In at 25% capacity. You can also order online. They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are known for . . . . . . you guessed it — their SHAKES!!! Their burgers are exceptional, but I usually get one of their salads — I especially like the apple, pecan salad. You can’t go wrong on any of their items. You can access their latest menu here: https://www.rubys.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Rubys-Summer2020.pdf.
I may get an eye roll when you see my last choice to include on this list. It isn’t different, they are everywhere, and they aren’t really known for their shakes! I KNOW, why did I choose this??? Because of the convenience — something that surprised us and vowed we would do it again and again. Cheesecake Factory. Yes, the restaurant that has the BEST BREAD (I love bread, too) and a whole book for their menu to choose from. There isn’t anyone who can’t find something that they really like. Order online. Leave immediately. Drive the 10 minutes to the restaurant. It will be there waiting for you. And if you have me in your group, you will kindly ask for some extra bread — the will put in some extra bread with no extra fee!!! I KNOW!!! Everything is packed well, and it is SO CONVENIENT to sit in your condo and enjoy the food. I usually get the fish tacos. Oh, and of course a slice of cheesecake. Love this!!!!

There is a family story about this Cheesecake Factory. Let me just say that their Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae is life-changing — made here better than anywhere else. Believe me — I’ve even called their manager to have them tell me how to request it at the other Cheesecake Factory restaurants, and they still don’t measure up. Their “book” of menus can be accessed here: https://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/menu/.
OKAY — I’ve put my list out there for everyone. Now everyone add to it with somewhere you like to eat. It doesn’t have to be “life-changing”. Just something you have enjoyed and think others might like to try.